Posts Tagged ‘ Jonathan Knight ’

NKOTB "Summertime" Cover is Tough

Back in my elementary school days The New Kids on The Block were like the greatest thing since slap bracelets. All of my friends chose one boy to adore and make living shrines to on their bedroom walls. I chose Jonathan because he was quiet, no one else wanted him and I was gay and didn’t know who else to pick but it certainly wasn’t going to be Danny.

Turns out my choice was for the best since Jonathan and I don’t like each others’ genitals.

Anywho, I must be nostalgic or something because today when I went to YouTube the only thing I could think of was NKOTB. I ended up finding covers of their song “Summertime” – but while I know it’s a new song, it sounds like it was from the Joey Joe McCintyre pre-pubescent years.

At first I thought it was a fluke:

But then this dude came along and I’m like…woah.

Come back when your testicles drop boys.